This ant also known as the Caribbean crazy ant hairy crazy ant and Rasberry crazy ant has been a serious problem in parts of Florida and Texas for over ten years. The following regulated articles require a certificate or permit before they can be shipped outside the quarantined area. How To Become Ant I Social Erosion Of Ant Genome Tied To Loss Of Functional Behavioral And Social Traits A constricted pinched area between the thorax and abdomen called the petiole. . The Sphecomyrma were in fact a mosaic for they also possessed the following distinctively ant-like character states. The presence of agriculture. A population territory sovereignty and government. Additional keys are provided for winged females and males. The presence of markets. Study ANT 12 flashcards. Designed for ultra-low power ease of use efficiency and scalability ANT easily handles peer-to-peer star tree and practical mesh topologies. Th...